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更新时间:2024-04-24 13:03:32


In Favor of Rewards for Good Conduct

To restore lost property to its original owner describes one of the most cherished virtues embodied by the Chinese people. The draft law stipulates that property owners should give rewards to the people or organizations that return their property, such as storage. To some people, the new provision challenges the virtue that China has advocated for thousands of years by including economic compensation into law. Yet to me, it is a good thing to regulate a moral concept with law.

Since people spend time and energy in restoring lost property, it is reasonable for the actual owner to offer some material reward. There is no contradiction between kind deeds and material compensation. If those who help others by fighting off robbers can be rewarded, why not those who return lost property? More importantly, giving people tangible reward has significance in reality. According to a survey, most people who get back their lost items are willing to give a reward to the finder. Providing a compromise solution between returning and keeping lost items, this new provision encourages people to return lost property rather than hiding it. Although one may say it diminishes the nobility associated with it, it is better to have more lost property restored to original ownership.

Law should play a role only where moral principle fails, otherwise, there would be chaos in social relations. I think this is the basis for transformation of law, specifically the stipulation of restoring lost property in propert, rights law. The major goal of this legislation is to restore property owners’ right over lost property. It is true that restoring lost property to its owner is our traditional virtue. For a long time, we have been relying on this moral principle in dealing with lost property. But today, we have to admit that it falls behind the realities of current society if we rely solely on it in handling the issue of lost property, the result is a much slighter possibility of lost property being returned and increasing disputes about restoring lost property.

All in all, without modification, traditional virtues will be going farther away from the realities of modern life and become irrelevant. What’s more, the draft of the property rights law stipulates that a finder“can’’ receive reward, which means they can also refuse reward. Thus, this does not thwart virtuous people from practicing our traditional virtues.






You must pay import ____on certain goods brought into this country.

____ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.


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试题分类: 网络安全素质教育
某工程,实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件1:项目监理机构发现某分项工程混凝土强度未达到设计要求。经分析,造成该质量问题的主要原因为:①工人操作技能差;②砂石含泥量大;③养护效果差;④气温过低;⑤未进行施工交底;⑥搅拌机失修。 事件2:对于深基坑工程,施工项目经理将组织编写的专项施工方案直接报送项目监理机构审核的同时,即开始组织基坑开挖。 事件3:施工中发现地质情况与地质勘察报告不符,施工单位提出工程变更申请。项目监理机构审查后,认为该工程变更(来源:建匠教育)涉及设计文件修改,在提出审查意见后将工程变更申请报送建设单位。建设单位委托原设计单位修改了设计文件。项目监理机构收到修改的设计文件后,立即要求施工单位据此安排施工,并在施工前组织了设计交底。 事件4:建设单位收到某材料供应商的举报,称施工单位已用于工程的某批装饰材料为不合格产品。据此,建设单位立即指令施工单位暂停施工,指令项目监理机构见证施工单位对该批材料的取样检则。经检测,该批材料为合格产品。为此,施工单位向项目监理机构提交了暂停施工后的人员窝工和机械闲置的费用索赔申请。 问题: 1.针对事件1中的质量问题绘制包含人员、机械、材料、方法、环境五大因果分析图,并将①~⑥项原因分别归入五大要因之中。 2.指出事件2中的不妥之处,写出正确做法。 3.指出事件3中项目监理机构做法的不妥之处,写出正确的处理程序。 4.事件4中,建设单位的做法是否妥当?项目监理机构是否应批准施工单位提出的索赔申请?分别说明理由。
试题分类: 案例分析
某年2月17日15时许,H省W县某建筑公司承建的某发电厂一期工程3#机组冷却塔施工现场发生一起高处作业坠落事故,造成7人死亡。 事故发生过程: 某发电厂一期工程项目经S省发展计划委员会批准建设。由S省某电力建设公司中标建设,其3#机组冷却塔工程分包给H省W县某建筑公司承建,s省某工程监理公司进行工程监理。由于不具备冬季施工条件,该工程已停止作业,停止作业时间为事发前一年10月15日至事发当年3月1日。 2月16日下午16时,H省W县某建筑公司分包承建的发电厂一期工程3#机组冷却塔施工项目执行经理在未得到总包许可的前提下,带领所属施工人员来到工地。17时.组织所属施工人员进行体检、照相,准备办理“安全上岗证”,进行3#冷却塔井架吊桥平台拆除作业前的准备。 2月17日上午,H省W县某建筑公司现场负责人安排施工班长组织拆除作业前的技术交底工作。当日下午13时许,班长王某在施工现场组织了班前会,交待了施工操作规程后,带领11名工人沿井架爬梯步道上到井架吊桥平台,进行平台下降作业。建设工程教育网信息 冷却塔吊桥平台是冷却塔施工的高空运料平台,由前桥、后桥两部分组成,连接方式为伸缩式,其中前桥共分为四节,根据施工需要可以伸缩。整个吊桥平台靠11个倒链拉结在竖井架上,吊桥降落施工时,受力的手拉倒链应同时匀速降落,且受力倒链与备用倒链依次倒换。15时许,吊桥平台下降1m后(总高度为46.25m)。根据下降距离,需要调整倒链。 此时在可伸缩的前桥平台左端的操作工张某在没有使挂设的备用倒链受力的情况下,就将受力倒链解掉,使平台前桥前端两侧倒链受力不均,造成前桥平台失去平衡。按操作规程要求,吊桥平台拆除前应先将前桥收缩起来,由前向后逐步收缩,最后用倒链封死,然后将平台降至底部。 此次作业前,四节吊桥只收缩两节半,还留一节半在外,未全部收缩进来。在班长的指挥下又有4人赶到前桥左端,在没采取任何防护措施的情况下去拉升倒链,造成倾斜加剧,前桥自重和动荷载及相应的力将作为滑道用的首桥槽钢下翼冲击变形,前桥掉出轨道,班长王某等7人从高处坠落,当场死亡5人,重伤2人。 施工现场地面人员发现情况后,紧急呼叫120,与该单位车辆一起立即将坠落人员送至市人民医院抢救,至当日16时40分,重伤2人经抢救无效先后死亡。这起事故的经济赔偿为平均每位死者16.5万元,重伤2人的抢救费用为3.6万元,事故造成停工经济损失为80万元。 问题: 1.这起事故掼失多少工作日?直接经济损失是多少万元? 2.请从技术、管理等方面分新该事故发生的原因? 3.为避免此类事故发生,应采取哪些措施?
试题分类: 安全生产事故案例分析
试题分类: 专业知识(给排水)