当前位置:考试网  > 试卷库  > 外语类  > 商务英语  > 初级(写作)  >  题目:向用户推销会议场所。


更新时间:2024-04-27 13:22:12

Dear Mr.Edwards:

“Thank you for helping us put on the best conference we’ve ever had.Your superb facilities,service,know-how,and helpful attitude all add up to one word:Professionalism.”? Pardon me for crowing just a bit,but the statement above was received a few days ago from the vice president of one of the country’s largest manufacturing companies.And it’s typical of many we get from top executives who chose Whispering Pines in Myrtle Beach,South Carolina as their host for meetings,conferences,seminars,and get-togethers.?

At Whispering Pines we know how to help you make your meetings really successful.It’s what we were designed to do,what we’re in business for,the reason we like to think we’re the ideal convention headquarters.Whispering Pines is not just another magnificent resort center that offers everything and meeting goers could ask for outstanding cuisine…big name entertainers…elegant nearby shopping malls…all sports,including a championship golf course and tennis courts…and a stunning view of the Atlantic Ocean.We’re all those things,of course,and we are more.?

By“more”,we mean that we are really professionals when it comes to arranging space for your specific needs and providing every service you require to make outstanding meetings and conferences.At Whispering Pines you’ll find a staff that is dedicated to personal and friendly hospitality.?

Skeptical?Let me prove what I have said.Please look over the enclosed colorful booklet,which shows our spectacular setting and elegant facilities.Then,to learn about our professional side,mail the enclosed card for your free copy of “Organizing,Planning,and Running a Meeting.”??

Hopefully yours,




题目:Reassessment of job satisfaction


You are going to spend holidays in Hawaii in June. Suddenly you received a letter from an important customer,Mr. Elton Deland,who will arrive on 25th June and discuss the claim. You have to delay the trip till July.

Write a short message to Ms. Anne Folster, your secretary.

. Explain Why you postpone your trip.

. Mention the date when Mr. Elton Deland will arrive.

. Ask her to arrange your meeting.

. Write 30-40words on your Answer Sheet.





热门试题 更多>
背景资料: A施工单位总包一炼钢厂项目,其中的连铸安装工程分包B安装公司,该公司及时组建了项目部,项目部在组 织施工过程中发生以下情况: 情况一:项目部按工业安装工程质量验评项目划分规定对安装工程项目进行了划分,其中有连铸安装工程、机械设备安装工程、蒸汽排除风机安装工程、电气安装工程、自动化仪表安装工程等。 情况二:在自动化仪表工程施工完毕后,进行了综合控制系统试验,然后编制竣工资料,准备交工验收。 情况三:项目部安装完成后,向建设单位要求办理交工验收手续,建设单位以不符合工程验收的规定而拒绝了项目部的要求。 情况四:施工合同按《建设工程质量管理条例》规定签订了在正常使用条件下的最低保修期限。 该工程生产线在正常运行4年后,因设备故障、电气管线故障、给排水管网阀门漏水、中央控制室的供热和供冷系统失效而导致停产。建设单位发函要求该施工单位进行保修。施工单位以超过了保修期婉拒建设单位的要求。 问题: 1.按质量验评标准规定,指出情况一中所列项目哪些属单位工程?哪些属分部工程和分项工程? 2.情况二中,自动化仪表在综合控制系统试验后编制竣工资料,准备交工验收是否正确?为什么? 3.该工程验收必须符合哪些规定? 4.该工程中设备安装、电气管线、给水排水管道、供热和供冷系统的最低保修期限是多少?
试题分类: 机电
某工业园引入一中外合资经营投资项目。项目投资总额(含增值税)为8000万美元,其中,建筑工程费10000万元,安装工程费3000万元,工程建设其他费用5500万元,预备费3500万元。合资公司注册资本占投资总额40%,由中外双方按6:4的股份比例出资。注册资本全部用于建设投资,其余所需资金由银行贷款解决。项目建设期2年,资金使用比例各年均50%。注册资本和建设投资借款在各年年内均衡发生,借款年利率为5%,每年计息一次,建设期内不支付利息。项目外汇为1000万美元,全部用于支付进口设备原值(离岸价),从属费用按设备原值的25%以人民币计算,其中1台进口设备A的增值税为200万元,增值税税率为16%,设备关税税率为5%,设备的国内运杂费忽略不计。国内设备购置为12000万元(含增值税)。项目投资所含增值税在生产期抵扣,各项费用除注明以美元计外,均为人民币计。外汇汇率按照1美元=6.66元人民币计。(要求累出计算过程,计算结果保留两位小数) 问题: 1、计算该投资项目中外双方各自的全权出资额(以美元计),并说明注册资本的出资方式有哪些? 2、除了进口设备的增值税和关税,一般进口设备的从属费用还可能包括哪几项? 3、计算项目的设备购置费和建设投资。 4、在可行性研究阶段,暂定认为进口货物到岸价作为关税完税价格,则A设备的到岸价是多少? 5、计算该项目的建设期利息。
试题分类: 现代咨询方法与实务